Keuzes maken, vol vertrouwen stappen zetten én daarbij zorgen voor jouw balans

Permission slips

Often there is so much we should do, we must do. Not because somebody else tells us to. No, because we tell ourselves we have to. I know I often do. But… what do you allow yourself? That is what this blog is about. About the power of allowing instead of should or must. About […]

stop in time

How to stop in time and not run yourself ragged

This week during a coaching session a client asked me… what can I do to make sure that I don’t run myself ragged? How to stop in time? How can I make sure that I respect my boundaries? Of course, there are multiple things you can do. But I am going to only share one […]

Summertime: taking stock and looking ahead

Here in the Netherlands, summer holidays have started. The quieter summer period is always a good moment to take stock. To reflect back on the first part of the year and consciously set intentions for the remainder of the year. Reflection I think is especially important since we are in such extraordinary times. With the […]


You don't need more confidence

We often think that what we need to be able to take that scary step is more confidence. If I would feel more confident than I would be able to succeed. Once we no longer feel fear or uncertainty then we can take this step. So we wait until we feel more confident, we wait […]

What will people think?

Do you have this voice in your head that says to you: “WHAT WILL PEOPLE THINK? “ This voice of worry and fear often shows up when we want to play bigger. When we want to try something new, when we want to take an important step or when we want to share our work […]


Leadership = your positive influence in the world

Leadership might look like taking a big stage. Leadership might look like being in a formal leadership position and having positional power. But leadership is not limited to big stages or to formal leadership positions. These are just two forms of leadership. Moreover, having a formal leadership position does not automatically make you a true […]

Thoughts on learning to become an anti-racist

***Warning: this is a different blog than usual*** That is why I was hesitant whether or not to write this.  This is a blog about my own searching. I share my own searching process more often in my inspiration mails. However, it is always followed by some concrete learnings or practical tips or actions. Since […]


Overwhelmed by the change you want to make?

Overwhelm Sometimes you can get overwhelmed by the vastness of change that is needed, the change you long for, the change you want. Sometimes you can get overwhelmed by how big the steps are (or seem to be) that you need to take. Whether you want to contribute to ending racism Whether you want to […]

Having one clear passion is NOT a prerequisite for meaning or success

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about finding your passion. Finding your passion is sold to us as the key to having a clear sense of direction. As the key to living a meaningful and successful life, This call can come in many forms: you need to have a clear passion in order to […]


Hope is not an emotion. It is a practical process!

Many years ago I learned from Brene Brown that hope is not an emotion (like a warm feeling of optimism and possibility). Instead hope is a way of thinking, a cognitive process. Actually, the idea that hope is a practical cognitive process already made me more hopeful. Hope felt less like something you had or […]

Why the words balance & work-life balance are unhelpful

When we think of balance or work-life balance often the image of scales automatically comes up in our minds. (Just google pictures for the term balance, you will see mostly images of scales). The image of scales implies that when we talk about balance we talk about two separate sides that should have equal weight […]


Impact is not about productivity or being busy

You may feel things are at a standstill because your work is slower or because you are unable to work due to increased caregiving demands. *** please read on, even if you don’t feel like this. The questions I’ll ask later on are valuable to ask yourself everyday to increase your impact **** So, as […]

© Copyright Samula Mescher
